Please meet Jeanne Oliver. She is one amazing person! I mean I feel like kind of a schlub when I think of all she does. Ready? She's married (to a man who can almost out-smile President Obama,) has a house to take care of, she has 3 young and lively kids that she home schools, she creates a beautiful blog (she's in Artful Blogging this issue!), AND....she creates delightful stuff to sell in her shop.
Oh, and she has the most hilarious sense of humor, which if you read her blog you will get a taste of. Take a look at her new collection of handbags, art, aprons, lampshades, jewelry...are you getting this? Then try, just try, to hang on to your wallet!
Jeanne is a sewer and artist like me, and I feature her here because I believe that all of us in the blogging community can be supporters of each other. There's enough to go around for everyone and then some. When we extend ourseves to one another in love and friendship, we grow our whole community.
From time to time I will be showcasing some of the other wonderful women I have "met" and admired and I hope that my readers will visit their blogs and support them, too.
Cuz ladies, frankly we rock!!
You are so amazing! So sorry that I did not see this sooner. Thank you so much for your sweet words and I is powerful when we support each other.